The NMBA 2024 year includes required reporting as per the following file links:

Minutes of the 2023 NMBA AGM

2024 NMBA Highlights and Annual Report

2024 Financial Year audited NMBA Financial Report

NMBA Board nomination policy and form

NMBA 5 Year Strategic Plan

NMBA has developed a comprehensive 2023-2028 Strategic Plan with the vision of the Northern Midlands region to be the most connected, resilient, and innovative business community in Tasmania.

The stated Purpose of NMBA in the Strategic Plan is for the Northern Midlands Business Association is to use its local knowledge, influence, and connections so the Northern Midlands business community continues to thrive in line with the NMBA Constitution available at this link.

Download your copy of the NMBA Strategic Plan at this link

2023 Annual Report

The NMBA 2023 Annual Report was released in September and provides a summary of the many activities and programs of the Northern Midlands Business Association, information on paid members, and strategy. We encourage you to review the activities of your business association at this link

2023 Business Plan priorities:

The Northern Midlands Business Association coordinates an extensive business plan of initiatives, projects and activities. As well as its standard program of supporting, communications, and services to local businesses, the following priority programs are being conducted in 2022:

Program 1: Business Data and Research

Background & Description:

NMBA provides benefits to all Northern Midlands businesses, regardless whether they are paid or free members.

As a result, there are more than 600 individual businesses registered as members of NMBA.

The challenge for this membership model is to maintain accurate contact information, as new businesses arrive, and others discontinue or leave the area.

Additionally, research data on the needs, challenges and opportunities of businesses is vital to target NMBA’s support, programs and communications.

An approach proven in 2020 is the hiring and management of low-cost resources such as university students, to conduct phone and face to face interviews with business owners, plus other research.

The program also includes -in-house NMBA activity to enhance the database system to capture and manage the expanded data to obtained from businesses.

Key Benefits:

  • Ensure NMBA is engaging and supporting all current businesses across the municipality

  • Facilitate local supply chains that maximise business-to-business activity within the region

  • Enable networking between local business to capitalise on opportunities that they could not otherwise undertake separately

  • Streamline “buy local”; both business-to-business and business-to-consumer

  • Provide data to enable business trends, emerging issues, and opportunities to be understood and strategies developed

Program 2: Business Engagement & Networking - Collaboration, Events, Education and Communication

Background & Description:

A key role of NMBA is communication with all Northern Midlands Businesses.

Communication methods used by NMBA have been limited by resources and funds, and include:

  • Email enews bulletins (14 in 2021)

  • Educational face to face group events usually with guest speakers (4 in 2021)

  • Networking informal meetings within specific industries, eg accommodation providers (2 in 2021 for one industry type)

  • Networking trips or tours (1 in 2021)

  • Major events such as the NMBA AGM (1 in 2021)

Given that Covid in Tasmania has virtually eliminated the willingness of members to attend face to face events, the initial proposed program will shift to a greater emphasis on remote and online activities.

The program for 2022 will increase the variety and frequency of NMBA communications activities, with a greater emphasis on networking and collaboration between businesses, with the addition of:

  • Surveys

  • Online access to educations workshops and seminars

  • Increase networking virtual and where possible face to face meetings, trips and tours to additional industry types

  • Target communications to specific businesses sizes and industry sectors rather than current “shotgun” approach

Key Benefits:

  • Improved relevance of NMBA communications by tailoring information to the specific needs of businesses

  • Foster understanding and collaboration between local businesses with the aim of increasing local supply chains and local circular economy

  • Deliver NMBA programs based on the actual demands and priorities of surveyed businesses

Increase business motivation and resilience through greater knowledge

Program 3: Vertical Industry Portfolios

Background & Description:

While the NMBA universally represents all businesses equally, there are key industry sectors that require specific attention and programs.

NMBA Board members have nominated the following industry sectors that they will individually focus on as follows:

  • agriculture

  • accommodation & visitor economy

  • retail food, drink & hospitality

  • building and construction

  • engineering, manufacturing & logistics

  • small business regulation & reform

Key Benefits:

  • Networking and collaboration of businesses within their industry sector

  • A point of contact within NMBA to identify issues and progress opportunities within each industry sector

  • NMBA knowledge and understanding of key industry sectors

Program 4: Digital and Cyber risk, including black spot and telecommunications infrastructure

Background & Description:

The prosperity of many Northern Midlands businesses lies increasingly in their ability to utilise information technology and participate in the global online economy.

At the same time, one of the biggest risks to that prosperity is the increasing danger of cyber attack.

Telecommunications infrastructure via mobile and NBN is also a critical factor in the ability of businesses to capitalise on this opportunity.

In early 2022, NMBA was at the point of completion of the first stage of mobile black spot improvement projects as well as individually requested telecommunications improvement such as Woolmers Estate and Powranna Livestock Sale Yards.

NMBA has also engaged with NBN to attempt to secure additional funding for improved Internet connectivity.

In terms of cyber security, NMBA is leveraging from existing funded projects for the benefit of local businesses such as those provided by AusIndustry and the National Cyber Security Centre.

Key Benefits:

  • Northern Midlands telecommunications infrastructure being among the best in the state, is an attractor of new businesses and a reason for existing businesses to remain

  • Businesses have greater knowledge and are more willing to participate in the online economy and productivity improvements

  • Businesses are better able to prevent and more resilient against the risks from cyber attack

Program 5: TRANSlink Business Development trial

Background & Description:

TRANSlink has been described as the “jewel in the crown” of the Northern Midlands in terms of its economic potential.

Previous surveys and research undertaken by NMBA has reinforced this potential, while also highlighting the issues to existing tenant expansion and entry of new tenants to the precinct.

It was seen that, although various real estate companies are seeking new sales and leases, that there was an aspect of waiting for opportunities, rather than actively engaging with existing and potential new tenants.

In other municipalities there are dedicated council economic and business development staff and process for attracting new tenants to their commercial and industrial zones, and actively removing impediments.

NMBA will be implementing a trial to appoint a part-time business development executive to actively engage with council, existing tenants, developers, real estate companies, potential new tenants and other stakeholders.

The trial being perceived as successful will be dependent on actual secured additional tenants to TRANSlink that would likely not have eventuated without this resource in place.

The trial currently envisioned as spanning several months, includes funds for appointing a suitable part-time business development professional, as well as NMBA involvement in recruiting, managing, monitoring performance, and reporting on results.

Key Benefits:

  • Tangible increase in rates income to council with the addition of new TRANSlink tenants

  • Measurable improvement in existing tenants confidence in expanding within the precinct

  • Develop process for potential tenants and developers to have impediments addressed by Council, counter objections, and make TRANSlink are more desirable destination to invest

  • Trial reduces the risk and cost of appointing full time permanent position until justified by the results

  • Coordination and management of the trial is conducted by NMBA rather than drawing on Council resources

  • Establishes methods for ongoing approaches and resources for TRANSlink to compete effectively with other municipality commercial and industrial precincts